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Spa stays

Beer baths
Janské Lázně / Černá hora
Lázně Luhačovice
SPA Bechyně
SPA Bohdaneč
SPA Darkov
SPA Darkov
SPA Dubí
SPA Františkovy Lázně
Spa Jáchymov
Spa Jesenik Priessnitz
SPA Karlova Studánka
SPA Karlovy Vary - Carlsbad
SPA Konstantinovy Lázně
SPA Kundratice Osečná
SPA Lázně Lipová
SPA Lednice
SPA Libverda
SPA Mariánské Lázně - Marienbad
SPA Mšené
SPA Nové Hrady
SPA Ostrožská Nová Ves
SPA Poděbrady
SPA Skalka
SPA Slatinice
SPA Teplice
SPA Teplice nad Bečvou
SPA Toušeň
SPA Velichovky
SPA Vráž
SPA Vráž
Thermal bath Sturovo Vadaš
Thermal swimming pool Komárno
Wellness hotels
Wellness hotels in Prague
1 2 3 4
Total results: 78
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Price from
Spa Resort Lednice

City: Lednice na Moravě
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Weekend stay according to MUDr. Smíška
Number of stay: 399
Amount of days: 3

Easter stay in Lednice
Number of stay: 318
Amount of days: 4

What Women Want
Number of stay: 254
Amount of days: 3

Not for Seniors
Number of stay: 248
Amount of days: 6

Relief of back and joints
Number of stay: 249
Amount of days: 8

Family spa stay 6 nights
Number of stay: 250
Amount of days: 7

Relaxation weekdays
Number of stay: 251
Amount of days: 4

With family spa
Number of stay: 252
Amount of days: 4

Long weekend in Lednice
Number of stay: 253
Amount of days: 4

Three days for health
Number of stay: 255
Amount of days: 3

The two-day relaxing treatment
Number of stay: 256
Amount of days: 2

Garni Hotel Kučera

City: Karlovy Vary
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Stardust for Lovers
Number of stay: 115
Amount of days: 2

Number of stay: 116
Amount of days: 7

Photo is not available


Price from
Special offer
Number of stay: 065
Amount of days: 7

Number of stay: 199
Amount of days: 3

Hotel Frankův Dvůr

City: Jindřichův Hradec
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Relax during working days
Number of stay: 321
Amount of days: 3

Love at any age
Number of stay: 320
Amount of days: 3

Weekend stay
Number of stay: 068
Amount of days: 2

Hotel Volarik

City: Mikulov
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Wellnes Package
Number of stay: 087
Amount of days: 2

Františkovy Lázně Hotel Luisa - Jesenius

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Františkovy Lázně Hotel Tři lilie

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Františkovy Lázně Lázeňský hotel Belvedere

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Short stay Weekend
Number of stay: 343
Amount of days: 2

Františkovy Lázně Lázeňský hotel Dr. Adler

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Short stay Weekend
Number of stay: 343
Amount of days: 2

Active relaxation
Number of stay: 342
Amount of days: 6

Week for Seniorsff
Number of stay: 341
Amount of days: 7

Františkovy Lázně Lázeňský hotel Goethe

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Short stay Weekend
Number of stay: 343
Amount of days: 2

Františkovy Lázně Lázeňský hotel Metropol

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Short stay Weekend
Number of stay: 343
Amount of days: 2

Week for Seniorsff
Number of stay: 341
Amount of days: 7

Františkovy Lázně Lázeňský hotel PAWLIK

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Short stay Weekend
Number of stay: 343
Amount of days: 2

Active relaxation
Number of stay: 342
Amount of days: 6

Week for Seniorsff
Number of stay: 341
Amount of days: 7

Františkovy Lázně Lázeňský hotel Savoy

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Short stay Weekend
Number of stay: 343
Amount of days: 2

Week for Seniorsff
Number of stay: 341
Amount of days: 7

Lázeňský hotel Imperial

City: Františkovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Franzensbad healing cure
Number of stay: 398
Amount of days: 7

Hotel Excellent

City: Praha 8
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Romantic package
Number of stay: 333
Amount of days: 1

Spa Boutique Hotel LÖWENSTEIN

City: Konstantinovy Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Number of stay: 380
Amount of days: 14

Number of stay: 379
Amount of days: 8

Number of stay: 378
Amount of days: 4

Hotel Prosper

City: Čeladná
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Rest in Beskydy
Number of stay: 086
Amount of days: 2

Number of stay: 205
Amount of days: 3

Hotel Srní

City: Srní
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Number of stay: 344
Amount of days: 3

Hotel Šumava

City: Srní
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Number of stay: 344
Amount of days: 3

Hotel Ráztoka

City: Trojanovice
Country: Česká republika

Price from
SPRING relaxing stay
Number of stay: 235
Amount of days: 3

Hotel Jezerka

City: Seč
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Wellness weekend out
Number of stay: 340
Amount of days: 3

Weekend wellness stay
Number of stay: 339
Amount of days: 4

Summer vacation in the hotel Jezerka Sec Ústupky
Number of stay: 319
Amount of days: 7

Hotel Thermal Varga

City: Veĺký Meder
Country: Slovensko

Price from
Welfare 5 - relaxing stay
Number of stay: 207
Amount of days: 5

Welfare 3 - relaxing stay
Number of stay: 208
Amount of days: 3

Welfare 7 - relaxing stay
Number of stay: 209
Amount of days: 7

STAY Senior disabled - a relaxing stay
Number of stay: 206
Amount of days: 7

All inclusive
Number of stay: 098
Amount of days: 8

Hotel Praha

City: Boží Dar
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Wellness weekend
Number of stay: 304
Amount of days: 3

Wellness Package
Number of stay: 303
Amount of days: 6

Chateau Monty SPA Resort

City: Mariánské Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
We enjoy the world with Monty
Number of stay: 354
Amount of days: 2

Elixir of Health
Number of stay: 353
Amount of days: 7

Relax for advanced age
Number of stay: 352
Amount of days: 3

Wellness according to your expectations
Number of stay: 351
Amount of days: 5

Marienbad spa healing cure
Number of stay: 350
Amount of days: 7

7 steps to health
Number of stay: 349
Amount of days: 7

Hotel Excelsior

City: Mariánské Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Weight reduction
Number of stay: 389
Amount of days: 7

Metabolic Vital & Aktiv
Number of stay: 388
Amount of days: 15

Marienbad spa treatment cure
Number of stay: 387
Amount of days: 8

OREA Vital Hotel Sklář

City: Harrachov
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Stay full of relaxation - wellness weekend
Number of stay: 362
Amount of days: 3

Family Fun at Skláři - family package
Number of stay: 361
Amount of days: 5

Orea Resort Horizont

City: Železná Ruda
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Relax & comfort
Number of stay: 356
Amount of days: 2

Forever young (5, 7 nights)
Number of stay: 355
Amount of days: 5 - 7

Lázeňský Hotel Kriváň

City: Mariánské Lázně
Country: Česká republika

Price from
Coop relax
Number of stay: 083
Amount of days: 4

Coop minirelax
Number of stay: 082
Amount of days: 2

Zeštihlující balíček
Number of stay: 081
Amount of days: 7

1 2 3 4

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